Of greatness, and anyone that thinks I'm being too kind either doesn't The film from what would have been a run-of-the-mill comedy, to levels You see anyone else playing the cable guy? He was brilliant. That his role wasn't originally intended for him, but be honest can films, nor do I have a particular likingįor anyone involved in the film.First of all, hats off to Jim Carrey. This review is not coming from someone whose top ten films consist Reviewed by n/a 9 / 10 Sorely underrated, and a personal favourite. In the backdrop is the delicate sub-plot of the trial of a former kid star for murdering his brother. When Steven no longer wants to be Chips friend the man who can do it all goes on an all out assault to ruin Steven's life. However Chip takes this to heart trying to become Steven's best bud. Steven then fakes an interest in Chip's line of work. Steven has a new apartment, and decides to slip the cable guy (Chip) $50 for free cable. Steven Kovak has been kicked out of his apartment by his girlfriend.